JAKARTA: PT PLN (Persero) claims to be ready to build a nuclear power plant (NPP) starting next year with a requirement to get special orders from the government.
President Director of PLN, Dahlan Iskan said it will not build nuclear power plant project if there were no orders from the government. The reason, he mentions that the development of nuclear-powered generating fully into government policy. The development did not depend on the guarantees, but rather the government's decision.
"You can not have the initiative to build nuclear PLN could not. Government must first decide. when PLN was ordered at any time ready. Next year is ready, "said Dahlan recently.
Dahlan said the commercial nuclear power plant in the country is expensive. Because in Indonesia have another energy source that can be utilized with a cheaper cost, such as water and coal. He even had time to compare it with Japan, where the use of nuclear in the country is cheaper because of the different conditions of supply of energy.
"But even if the commercial is cheap, we will still be waiting for orders. Because the government's nuclear policy, "he said.
Dahlan acknowledged that there had indeed been some discussion related to the development of nuclear energy in Indonesia, for example, in the National Resilience Institute (National Resilience Institute of the Republic of Indonesia) and the Ministry of Research and Technology. "According to my monitoring further developments lead. But when the execution time later I do not know. "
Separately, members of House Commission VII Ismayatun said the government should immediately make nuclear as an energy source especially now there's Directorate-General of New Renewable Energy.
"We in the House are always encouraging nuclear development starts from socialization so that people realize the bright side, especially with advances in technology so that the fear of Chernobyl or Gopal event does not exist," said Ismayatun.
Members of the committee of the National Energy Board (DEN) Herman Darnel Ibrahim scientific point of view of the current use of nuclear technology, no longer have any doubts. He was dismissed from the nuclear risk factors does have a big risk, but these factors can be controlled through the advancement of technological development.
Herman mention two important reasons for the utilization of the nuclear security of energy supply and emission control because of excess nuclear is the absence of combustion so it does not produce greenhouse gas emissions.
Security-related energy availability in the future, he mentions that Indonesia should ideally not depend on an energy supply that is too large for example coal. Herman predict if Indonesia does not have nuclear, then the need for coal as an energy source in Indonesia in the future could reach over 40% -50%. That figure is quite large considering with 50% in 2050 predicted coal consumption could reach about 1 billion tons. Yet coal production is currently only about 250 million tons.
It can certainly lead to many problems. "Therefore, the nuclear position is to membalance coal and coal position is to create a cheap price," he said.
In order to run the nuclear development in Indonesia, he said, the government needs to establish an organization or specialized agency that will conduct the implementation of the nuclear program. And during the agency or organization has not yet been formed, the development of nuclear projects in Indonesia remains unclear.
He also suggested three alternatives the agency that referred to a special agency established by the government, PLN, and private parties. Of the three options, the private sector sees as a last resort because it can get any opposition from the public if there are anti-nuclear sentiment in the community.
"So it would be nicer if it was PLN government or a new agency that will run it. And of course it still requires a broader consideration, "he concluded.(*)
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