Energy Legal Practitioners
I. Introduction
High economic growth rates in Asia, has made the region as a center of the future economy. The rapid growth of industrialization and economic competition that occurs naturally have an impact on regional stability. Overall, Resistance Culture, Social Security and Political Security, the existence of Economic Security is a key element of National Security. Energy Security is an important pillar of Economic Security.
Sectors of national economic security should be in line with the carrying capacity of national energy. to sustain economic centers that spread to the border regions of the republic. However, in the development of economic institutions it needs to be balanced so that the strengthening of the defense so as to move the economy of Indonesia.
Sectors of national economic security should be in line with the carrying capacity of national energy. to sustain economic centers that spread to the border regions of the republic. However, in the development of economic institutions it needs to be balanced so that the strengthening of the defense so as to move the economy of Indonesia.
System for Energy Security is very important for a country like Indonesia. Besides the ability to respond to changing dynamics of global energy (external) as well as the independence to guarantee the availability of energy (internal), which strongly support the national security and economic independence. The ability of defense and energy security are affecting the national defense. The weak bearing capacity of energy supply can lead to instability of the national economy.
II. Regional and Peaceful Nuclear
Economic growth is so rapid also have an impact on improving the welfare of the nations in Asia, following the level of community needs, including in this case needs. In meeting its energy needs, Asian countries continue to explore and exploit their respective resources, including renewable resources.
So far, Asia is the region's largest producer of fossil energy, both oil and natural gas and coal. However, awareness of the limitations of primary sources from fossil fuels continues to increase. Asian countries increasingly consider the use of renewables, including in this case nuclear.
Several Asian countries have used nuclear energy in meeting the needs and several other countries preparing to use it as a source of energy. Most of the nuclear power plant in Asia, built by China, India, Korea, Taiwan and Japan, which is a country with strong economic level.
In addition, among the five countries that have the highest population in the world namely China, India, United States, Indonesia and Russia, only Indonesia that do not yet have nuclear power plants. Even the island of Java has a very large population density, is expected to reach 1000 persons/km2 in 2025, and will be the region most in need massive.
So far, Asia is the region's largest producer of fossil energy, both oil and natural gas and coal. However, awareness of the limitations of primary sources from fossil fuels continues to increase. Asian countries increasingly consider the use of renewables, including in this case nuclear.
Several Asian countries have used nuclear energy in meeting the needs and several other countries preparing to use it as a source of energy. Most of the nuclear power plant in Asia, built by China, India, Korea, Taiwan and Japan, which is a country with strong economic level.
In addition, among the five countries that have the highest population in the world namely China, India, United States, Indonesia and Russia, only Indonesia that do not yet have nuclear power plants. Even the island of Java has a very large population density, is expected to reach 1000 persons/km2 in 2025, and will be the region most in need massive.
In applying for the benefit of peaceful nuclear, the international regulations, Indonesia is certainly bound to the Spread of Nuclear Agreement Termination Agreement (the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty-NPT). Even so, there are five states that allowed by the NPT to have nuclear weapons namely, France (signed in 1992), People's Republic of China (1992), USSR (1968, obligations and rights are assumed by Russia), Britain (1968), and America States (1968). Meanwhile, outside the five NPT country, there are some countries that are known to have conducted nuclear tests: India, Pakistan and North Korea.
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty is an agreement signed on July 1, 1968 that restrict the ownership of nuclear weapons. Most of the sovereign states (187 countries) follow this agreement, although two of the seven countries that have nuclear weapons and a country that may have nuclear weapons had not yet ratified this treaty. This agreement was proposed by Ireland and was first signed by Finland. This agreement has three main points, namely non-proliferation, disarmament, and the right to use nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.
As a state party (party) NPT, Indonesia has always voiced stop developing nuclear wars, both vertically and horizontally. In contrast, Indonesia agreed in (peaceful uses of nuclear energy / Pune), under the umbrella of the IAEA. In Group-21, Indonesia continued to urge the nuclear states to give negative security Assurances legally binding (legally binding) and not limited to the unilateral declaration. Major issues identified is still a policy of ambiguity, ambiguous U.S. policy in giving different treatment to Israel (Dimona reactor, the 1960's) nuclear-powered real (never declared) vis-à-vis the intention of the NPT states, such as Iran that are considered non-compliance because they want to develop Pune, in addition to the threshold countries (non-NPT nuclear states).
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty is an agreement signed on July 1, 1968 that restrict the ownership of nuclear weapons. Most of the sovereign states (187 countries) follow this agreement, although two of the seven countries that have nuclear weapons and a country that may have nuclear weapons had not yet ratified this treaty. This agreement was proposed by Ireland and was first signed by Finland. This agreement has three main points, namely non-proliferation, disarmament, and the right to use nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.
As a state party (party) NPT, Indonesia has always voiced stop developing nuclear wars, both vertically and horizontally. In contrast, Indonesia agreed in (peaceful uses of nuclear energy / Pune), under the umbrella of the IAEA. In Group-21, Indonesia continued to urge the nuclear states to give negative security Assurances legally binding (legally binding) and not limited to the unilateral declaration. Major issues identified is still a policy of ambiguity, ambiguous U.S. policy in giving different treatment to Israel (Dimona reactor, the 1960's) nuclear-powered real (never declared) vis-à-vis the intention of the NPT states, such as Iran that are considered non-compliance because they want to develop Pune, in addition to the threshold countries (non-NPT nuclear states).
Indonesia is continue to pursue the reduction of vertical and horizontal nuclear proliferation while developing the global efforts to reduce nuclear as a terrorist force (deterrence). Nuclear use must be accompanied by responsibility towards the preservation of humanity (humanity). It must be stressed, given the escalation of nuclear tensions Middle East and Korean Peninsula nuclear-such as ownership increases.
III. NPP Needs in the National Energy Security
Energy Security Systems based on Energy Development Policy in accordance Energy Act No. 30 of 2007, energy has a role for the increase in Economic Activity and National Security.
For a country with a large population of high energy demand, Indonesia is very vulnerable to attack global market instability and price fluctuations, and is certainly very impact on the economic aspects of the country. Meeting the needs of high fossil by way of import would really make the financial burden of the State. For Indonesia, the use of a growth engine of economic growth is dominant enough to improve people's welfare and quality of life of the nation which is expected to number more than 280 million people by 2025. While in the other side, availability of resources, especially fossil petroleum, gas and coal become more limited and always declining production. Nuclear energy is a logical solution to the requirements of Indonesia's electricity infrastructure to support economic stability. Carrying capacity of electricity infrastructure is needed to accelerate the growth of industrialization in sustaining the national economic stability.
For a rare area of energy and has a high population density, by their nature should also use this type of energy that have a high density such as nuclear energy.
Indonesian government policy that sets prices based energy market mechanism has been proven to reduce the influence of oil shock significantly in countries that already apply. It is also supported by the policy implementation of alternative energy development (diversification) and energy efficiency (conservation). In addition, the policy mix (energy mix) is one attempt to conduct a national needs. Currently electrification ratio has reached 64%. Efforts to meet the electricity needs be done either from the supply side and demand side. If you rely on the supply of fossil fuels, must be very heavy if you see the price fluctuations in the global market.
Currently, some countries began to rethink the use of nuclear energy. Actual developments indicate that Germany will build more nuclear power plants by issuing a cancellation of the nuclear exit law proposal. Several other European countries also agree, such as Britain, Italy, Belgium, Sweden and France. Even in the Middle East that oil-rich United Arab Emirates (UAE), Kuwait and Qatar also plans to build nuclear power plants. Even the UAE has completed the tender process and appoint the winner to quickly build a nuclear power plant of 4 x 1400 MWe.
Indonesian government policy that sets prices based energy market mechanism has been proven to reduce the influence of oil shock significantly in countries that already apply. It is also supported by the policy implementation of alternative energy development (diversification) and energy efficiency (conservation). In addition, the policy mix (energy mix) is one attempt to conduct a national needs. Currently electrification ratio has reached 64%. Efforts to meet the electricity needs be done either from the supply side and demand side. If you rely on the supply of fossil fuels, must be very heavy if you see the price fluctuations in the global market.
Currently, some countries began to rethink the use of nuclear energy. Actual developments indicate that Germany will build more nuclear power plants by issuing a cancellation of the nuclear exit law proposal. Several other European countries also agree, such as Britain, Italy, Belgium, Sweden and France. Even in the Middle East that oil-rich United Arab Emirates (UAE), Kuwait and Qatar also plans to build nuclear power plants. Even the UAE has completed the tender process and appoint the winner to quickly build a nuclear power plant of 4 x 1400 MWe.
In Indonesia, the energy planning studies CADES (Comprehensive Assessment of Different Energy Sources for Electricity Generation) in 2000 concluded that nuclear could be operated on in 2016. The results of this study was confirmed back in 2009 through the Re-Evaluation Study CADES for the study period 2005-2050, and nuclear energy is needed to meet electricity needs during 2015-2019.
Indonesia has decided that nuclear is part of the new and renewable, and be one alternative in a joint policy (energy mix). While the regulatory aspects, the development of nuclear power plants already have a very strong legal basis, namely several UU and PP states that nuclear power plants could be built in phases of development to 3 (2015-2019), to meet the 2% of the total national primary energy in 2025, or about 4000 Mwe. Nuclear power plants should be built soon, if the preparation and construction of nuclear plants will take approximately 8 years, the Government has plans to build nuclear power plants must decide no later than the end of 2010.
For international nuclear energy and national regulations, may be regarded as ready to enter the era of utilization of nuclear energy in the form of nuclear power plant. And Indonesia in the eyes of the international community has recognized in 3 of the first countries to recognize and adopt the Integrated Safeguards System which includes the Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement and Additional Protocol. Concerns about international pressure and the threat of embargo as experienced by Iran and North Korea, if Indonesia is to develop nuclear energy becomes irrelevant.
For international nuclear energy and national regulations, may be regarded as ready to enter the era of utilization of nuclear energy in the form of nuclear power plant. And Indonesia in the eyes of the international community has recognized in 3 of the first countries to recognize and adopt the Integrated Safeguards System which includes the Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement and Additional Protocol. Concerns about international pressure and the threat of embargo as experienced by Iran and North Korea, if Indonesia is to develop nuclear energy becomes irrelevant.
Based on the study team International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in 2009, Indonesia's infrastructure is ready for construction and operation of nuclear plants, both in terms of organizational management, licensing and supervision regulations, preparation of human resources, mastery of technology, support national industry, site preparation, waste management nuclear, and so forth. Similarly, cooperation with nuclear power development company has also been done to explore possible cooperation between the formation of a consortium of state-private and national / international for nuclear plant construction costs do not burden the state budget.
The results of the assessment mission Nuclear Integrated Infrastructure Review (INIR) IAEA towards self-evaluation, Indonesia has implemented the first phase of preparation of national infrastructure. This corresponds to the document IAEA-TECDOC-151 entitled Basic Infrastructure for Nuclear Power Project, and the IAEA Nuclear Energy Series No. NG-T-3.2, where the infrastructure is as follows:
The results of the assessment mission Nuclear Integrated Infrastructure Review (INIR) IAEA towards self-evaluation, Indonesia has implemented the first phase of preparation of national infrastructure. This corresponds to the document IAEA-TECDOC-151 entitled Basic Infrastructure for Nuclear Power Project, and the IAEA Nuclear Energy Series No. NG-T-3.2, where the infrastructure is as follows:
Undeniably, technology transfer and use of the domestic component is one of the indirect benefits from the development of nuclear industry in Indonesia. In addition there is increasing ability of science and technology and disciplined labor force of Indonesia, in accordance with safety standards of nuclear industry is very high. Development of nuclear industry in Indonesia will improve competitiveness and dignity of the nation in the eyes of the international community. Surely all this can not be measured by measuring the material or economic value alone.
Indonesia only a matter of political will of governments to launch the first nuclear power plant construction, by establishing the National Team who will prepare plans and programs. It is time the Indonesian government declared the policy and decision making "Go Nuclear", which is believed to create jobs and prosper the people of Indonesia in the future, with the availability of sufficient power, reliable, economical, and environmentally friendly. In accordance with Law No. 17 Year 2007 on the Long Term Development Plan, which clearly states that nuclear energy is expected to contribute to the generation of electrical energy.
Developing nuclear energy industry is not doing a thing that is cheap, involves a commitment of funds billions of dollars, which will put pressure on state budgets already stretched. However, the needs are so masive and impact of regional escalation that is expected to occur, an independent civilian nuclear energy program is a worthy investment.
Indonesia only a matter of political will of governments to launch the first nuclear power plant construction, by establishing the National Team who will prepare plans and programs. It is time the Indonesian government declared the policy and decision making "Go Nuclear", which is believed to create jobs and prosper the people of Indonesia in the future, with the availability of sufficient power, reliable, economical, and environmentally friendly. In accordance with Law No. 17 Year 2007 on the Long Term Development Plan, which clearly states that nuclear energy is expected to contribute to the generation of electrical energy.
Developing nuclear energy industry is not doing a thing that is cheap, involves a commitment of funds billions of dollars, which will put pressure on state budgets already stretched. However, the needs are so masive and impact of regional escalation that is expected to occur, an independent civilian nuclear energy program is a worthy investment.
The development of technology that leads to increasingly high interest to build nuclear power plants in various countries of Asia, that Indonesia appeared as a State that has long mastered the science and nuclear technology, including management of a nuclear reactor for research. This will make Indonesia the strategic and dominant position as a State that has the technological infrastructure to support industrialization and economic growth in Asia.
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