Indonesia and Rusia Preparing to Build Nuclear Power Plant 1000MW amount USD 8 Billion

JAKARTA - Russia expressed interest and are ready to build Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) in Indonesia. The location chosen was Batam, Riau Islands. Planned, nuclear power plants will be built with a capacity of 1000MW (megawatts).

"The Russian side has come to us to expressed their interest wants to build nuclear power plants," said the head of the National Nuclear Energy Agency (NNEA/Batan) Djarot Sulistio Wisnubroto, Thursday (11/13/2014).

Djarot said, the interest also welcomed by the Government of Indonesia, because the demand for electricity is high enough, especially with the Indonesian economy is targeted to continue to grow up, of course that needed a reliable electricity supply and cheap.

"The government is also very welcome Russia's interest to build NPP, because we also need a lot of electricity," he said.

Russia and Indonesia will discuss about the detailed plan related to nuclear power plant in Batam.

"This is a development  the plan of NPP in Bangka, Riau Islands, and the approval is depend of the Ministry of Energy, "he added.

High power needs

Head of the National Nuclear Energy Agency (Batan), Djarot Sulistio Wisnubroto also explained that Batam chosen as the location of a nuclear power plant by Russia, because the area is very high electricity demand. The growth of industrialization is a dominant factor in the increasing demand for electricity in Batam, Riau Islands.

"Consumption and electricity growth in Batam very high. So that makes Russia interest to NPP investment at there," said Djarot.

Djarot said, BATAN strongly supports to the plan, especially for technology and human resources in BATAN already qualified, and Indonesia should already have nuclear power plants. "Technology and the human resources we've got, stay applied," he said.

The local government of Batam city will make the city as a center of industry, so that it takes too much power. "Moreover, Batam will continue to grow industrial areas, the government wants to make Batam as an industrial center," said Djarot.

Safe location

In related with the Batam chosen as the location for the construction of nuclear power plants, BATAN Party stated that the site is secure location to build nuclear power plants.

"Batam as one safe area for the location of nuclear power plants," said Djarot Sulistio Wisnubroto added.

Djarot also explained, that which makes Batam safe as the location of nuclear power plants, because the area that is free from the earthquake and tsunami.

"Because  Batam free of the earthquake and tsunami," he said.

He added that other areas are categorized as the safest built nuclear power plant in Indonesia are Bangka-Belitung and other areas in the Riau Islands.

"Throughout the Riau Islands as Bangka, Belitung, Batam it safe all if you want to build a nuclear power plant. Unsafe location is in the southern part of Sumatra, because the volcano is on track, but there are many potential geothermal energy (geothermal)," he said.

It is not yet certain when this development will started, because the new Russia filed his interest when he met Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla.


Prof. Dr Djarot Sulistio Wisnubroto also added, uranium potential in Indonesia is quite a lot. "We have a potential of 70,000 tons of uranium, but has not been explored economically," said Djarot.

Djarot revealed, most areas have the potential of uranium is West Kalimantan, Bangka-Belitung, Halmahera, and in Papua. "Bangka Belitung most, but so far still be mix with minerals in the exploitation of tin," he said.

However, because it is as the potential has not been exploited economically, it is suggested because of cheaper imports. "If it takes costly exploration, we make the first course our uranium reserves, as in many other countries and the price is cheaper, anywhere? Many, especially in Russia, Canada, China, and others. So Russia want to build nuclear power plants in Indonesia because they also have a lot of uranium, "he said.

Investment value

Meanwhile, Director General of Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation (REEC/EBTKE) MEMR Rida Mulyana said nuclear power plant investment cost is much more expensive than other plant programs such as coal power plants, gas, water, and even the sun.

"Power plant for example, for one megawatt (MW) investment cost of about US$ 3-5 million. While for NPP is US$ 7-8 million per 1 MW, much more expensive it is," said Rida, Monday (11/17/2014).

Rida said, although expensive Indonesia actually has had to build a nuclear power plant from now on, because for build the nuclear power plant will takes 7-8 years.

"In the next 7-8 years that we need a lot of electricity, electricity for transportation, electricity for cooking and lighting. While in the next 7-8 years all the energy has been utilized as much as possible until the new renewable energy, and my prediction was still less, we need a lot of electricity 7-8 years into the future and the nuclear part of the solution, "said Rida.

He emphasized that the electricity generated from nuclear is more expensive for the moment, but if it is not done, the next 7-8 years Indonesia could shortage of electricity.

"Which the choice, expensive electricity prices but are there?, than not build NPP and less electricity? We will in the darkness. Now, the people can not release from the charger of cell phone jamming, we need the electrical to charge," he added.

With a capacity of 1000MW nuclear power plant which  will be planned, it need investment amount of US$ 8 billion to development. (*)

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